マインドフルネスに関する研修報告 Training Report

The other day, I participated in a training called "Mindfulness for Workers" online.
This training, which I learned from the graduate school study group mailing list, was organized by the Psytech2020 Study Group and Basic Informatics Study Group for IS engineers for about 90 minutes with lectures and practice. It's been a while since I took the training last time under the affection of covid-19.
Mindfulness used in various fields such as companies, psychiatry, and training for athletes. Through some training, I have tried and errored to see if it suits me and how to teach it if it is used clinically. This training has yielded a new harvest, so I would like to incorporate it into my clinical and personal life in a way that suits me. I appreciate all the teachers who took care of us during this training.
2020年09月25日 09:00