ふくおか心理教育オフィス ヒュッゲ|福岡県福岡市博多区

If you or family are worried about sex offence, an addict (drug use etc.), violence, abuse, other problematic behaviors (illegal acts),  please contact us.

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HOME ≫ 治療終了後の感想 Impressions after ... ≫

Impressions after treatment

 We will  post sequentially the words of those who have finished treatment at our office and agreed to be posted. We hope this will be helpful for those who are worried about whether or not to receive treatment.

治療終了後の感想家族(両親)Family (Parents)


 About a year passed quickly. I have been thinking more deeply about my family than ever before. I wonder what I would have done now if I hadn't received the family support program. I think we are where we are today because my family participated as family members.
 We recommend treatment/programs to families who are unsure. It is better to have someone who can talk to the perpetrator's family. It's fine if it's a problem that they can solve on their own, but if they can't, we want them to connect with agencies that can help reduce the risk of recidivism. We found someone we could talk to.
 By participating in family interviews and joint interviews, you can learn about the person's situation and condition, and learn about the system of behavior. My family was alone in total darkness with no way out. Personally, I was relieved that family meetings with other families had been shifted to individual family meetings to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.

治療終了後の感想30代男性 Male 30s


 In the monthly group sessions, I was able to learn things I didn't know and how to avoid re-offending, and now, almost a year later, I feel a little more at ease with myself. This does not mean that I am okay because the treatment is over, but I am relieved that I will not forget what I have learned and that I have noticed a change in my way of thinking.
 Not only was it painful to be detained, but I also had more opportunities to think about the seriousness of the situation, and my range of actions and choices expanded. I am able to live my life with an understanding of my own condition and self-management methods to lower the risk of recidivism. This lowers the risk compared to before treatment.
 What has helped me is the reframing of my cognition. You will be able to develop new cognitions about yourself and others, and take different actions. Also, I do a monthly review every time. Up until then, I had not paid close attention to my own physical and mental state, so I often noticed things on my own by repeating this every month.
By taking the class in a small group, you can learn about other people's ideas that you think are good. If anyone is wondering whether or not to undergo treatment, I would recommend it. I think it's better to get it right away before you try to stop it on your own and it becomes impossible to stop.

治療終了後の感想家族(妻)Family (Wife)


 When I started treatment, I was very anxious. While talking with my husband on the way home when we came together, I noticed that he seemed to be feeling refreshed and seemed to be able to talk about his feelings with those around him, which was a gradual change. There are things that my husband thinks about and puts into practice every day, such as what to do if something unpleasant happens at work. It was also an opportunity for me to think about how I should convey this message to my family.
 I participated as a family member, and it became a place where I could express things that I couldn't express to others, which made me feel lighter. I thought I should try to improve the way I interact with my husband. As a family member, I also felt lighter and decided to trust my husband again. If there is a family member who is unsure, I would recommend treatment. The perpetrator's family must also be worried. I think I feel like I have no place to go. You can regain a sense of security and trust in situations where you don't know what to do. I was able to say what I wanted to say here and also listen to my husband's feelings. This is the start. I think we'll do our best together.

治療終了後の感想60代男性 Male 60s


 At first, I thought it would be better to receive treatment one-on-one with a therapist, but when I actually received treatment, I had the opportunity to learn other people's opinions, solutions, and things that were different from mine. I think the format of group therapy was good. I feel that my risk of recidivism has been lowered compared to a year ago. By undergoing treatment, I was able to realize that my normal state of being was not something that was taken for granted, and I was able to develop a theory and understand what was important in life, what was necessary, and what was not. . It was an opportunity for me to calmly think about why I was doing such a risky act, and I was able to understand it with my head, not just my senses.
 All of the topics seemed important, but I was particularly surprised to see that no problematic behavior was included in the important topics of the Good Life Plan. Next is how to control emotions. These can be used not only to prevent recidivism, but also to be incorporated into daily life.
 If there is someone out there who is unsure about treatment, I would recommend that they receive treatment. It depends on how worried the person is and how high the risk of the act is, but once you receive it, you will find more ways to use it in your daily life, and your way of thinking will gradually change. You may notice changes yourself. I think that if you receive treatment, your worries about recidivism will decrease and your quality of life will improve.

治療終了後の感想家族(両親)Family (Parents)


 I am relieved that there have been no repeat offenses in the past 10 months. However, it is difficult to objectively see changes in the person himself. Therefore, I would like to see what happens in the future. He has better control over his emotions than he did 10 months ago. We often fought as a parent and child, but our fights were based on our emotions. Lately, things that used to lead to fights end up in discussions, probably because he's trying to find out what the other person is thinking.
 The changes are that he has not re-offended and that he has started thinking and acting. Instead of getting angry and venting his feelings, he was trying to think things through and began to seek advice. Although he sometimes says harsh words to me, he tries to vent and control his emotions. He also began to work independently regarding his studies. Overall, communication has become different from before.
 I didn't know about cognitive behavioral therapy, but now that I know about it, it makes sense. It is difficult for the perpetrator's family to seek advice, but being able to consult with a therapist provides support to the family. After the incident, the family was also lonely. We can meet a therapist, find out that there are other family members of the perpetrator, and feel positive. I would like to tell the families of the perpetrators that there are places where they can seek advice.
 We also gained knowledge and learned a lot. If we can't understand the person who commits the problem, why do we do it? , let's tie it up! , and end up blaming him. I kept thinking pessimistically about why this happened and whether I was raised poorly. However, as I learned more about the background of his actions and gained more knowledge, the way I responded to him changed. My therapist told me, in my opinion, that any human being can develop problematic behavior, which made me feel better.

治療終了後の感想10代男性 Male 10s


 Looking back now, I think that at the time when I was engaging in problematic behavior, I was in a state of not knowing myself. Before undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy, I had nothing but anxiety. However, after actually taking it, I was able to understand more about the situations in which I would be in danger and what I should do in those situations. I was also able to learn what kind of human relationships are best. Therefore, I feel that the risk has been lowered compared to a year ago.
 Of the things I learned, the things I use most often are anger management and stress management. When I receive treatment with other people, of course there are different ways of thinking, but there are also similarities, and I was able to incorporate useful ways of thinking into myself. I'm glad I was able to take it with someone.
 If anyone is wondering whether or not to undergo treatment, I would definitely recommend it. After taking it, I was able to become a better version of myself in terms of communication in human relationships.

治療終了後の感想家族(妻)Family (Wife)


 My husband's income has decreased due to the incident, but since we started treatment, things are moving in a better direction for our family as a whole. Family time has increased. Due to the incident, my husband was at a loss and didn't know what to do. When I found this institution and visited it, my husband was convinced and seemed to be able to get his feelings out. I believe that even though it was difficult for ordinary people to understand, the therapist and other participants were there to help him understand, which made things go smoothly.My husband said that he was really glad that he was able to talk with them and that his thoughts changed through the interaction with the therapist.
 I researched all over the place before finding this institution. My husband, who took advantage of the first free consultation, said that he was able to talk and feel better. I also thought that I had arrived at a good place because I didn't think it was something that could be forcibly cured with medicine or isolated. I thought there were many different kinds of people in the world, but there are some things you won't understand until you see someone close to you in a situation like this. What should I do, whether to cut ties or continue the relationship?
 If a family member who repeatedly engages in problematic behavior has not yet received treatment, I would like to recommend that they receive treatment from my perspective. Everyone is dealing with various things. It is better to borrow the help of a third party. I'm glad I did. Why don't we do that as a family? That's the only thought I have.

治療終了後の感想50代・男性 Male 50s


 When I compare myself a year ago to where I am now, there is no doubt that I have lowered my risk. At each session, participants are asked to confirm their risks and how to manage them. I think this is the result of putting into practice what I learned here, what I thought about myself, what I took in from what other participants said, and what I discussed with my wife. As a result, the environment has changed. I have more time to spend with my family. There is no longer any room for problematic behavior to occur.
 Although I had to change jobs after the incident and my income went down, I gained a lot from changing my environment after starting treatment. I'm having more fun with my family. I think it's a good environment for children. The most useful content for me is coping. Actively incorporate cognitive coping techniques, such as consciously fantasizing about winning the lottery while driving, or making plans for a day off. Through coping, I find rhythm in my work. My wife is good at behavioral coping, so I leave it to her.
 If there are people in society who are still struggling and have not received treatment, I would recommend that they receive treatment. The reason is that I have taken it myself and feel the results. Not only does it have an effect on not re-offending, but I also feel that it has a positive impact on my work and personal life. Although it is difficult to spend money and time, considering cost-effectiveness, it is better to undergo treatment. Being able to continue working while stopping the problematic behavior is extremely important.

治療終了後の感想家族(父親)Family (Father)


 We have been watching over him as a family member, but compared to him a year ago, I feel that he has become less harsh. The number of negative words has really decreased. Maybe he got some peace of mind. There was a case, a trial, and the family had many questions about why. why?...,followed. It was the treatment that gave me the opportunity to change that situation.
 Communication between families is also gradually changing. As he changed, our family also changed. I'm sure that from now on, it will be important for families to gradually change in this way, rather than just getting back together.
 If there are any families in this society who are suffering like we were, we encourage them to seek treatment. I'm not originally a person who is negative about counseling. However, when we needed treatment to prevent recidivism, we did not know where to go to turn. I think it would be a good idea to take this one step further. If the family can find an institution like this and have the opportunity to receive treatment, I would be in favor of receiving treatment.

治療終了後の感想40代・男性 Male 40s


 After 10 treatment sessions, I feel like I have changed a lot. My personal feeling is that the risk of recidivism has been lowered compared to a year ago. I now know what I should do, how I should think, and how I can be satisfied. I am now in a good place as I am able to reevaluate myself and manage my risks. I am quite satisfied with the treatment. I no longer feel like I might re-offend.
 What I found particularly helpful was stress management. I used to often experience sudden and strong stress reactions, but recently people around me have told me that I have calmed down. Another idea is to increase satisfaction through things other than problem behavior. For me, the time I spent idle was also a risk, so this was an opportunity to think about how to deal with it. It goes without saying that people won't reoffend, but stress management can often be used in society as well.
 If someone has repeated symptoms without receiving treatment, I would recommend that they receive treatment. I don't know what kind of person he/she is, but he/she may be dissatisfied with something and don't know how to resolve it. If this is the case, I believe that through treatment conducted together with the therapist and other participants, one will gain a deeper understanding of this.

治療終了後の感想家族(両親)Family (Parents)


 We have been monitoring our son's progress during treatment. Behaviorally, he became enthusiastic about hobby activities. He also started helping with the cooking and started talking back to us.
 What hasn't changed is our way of thinking. Why did our son engage in problematic behavior ? Only naive people cause problematic behavior. We have never forgotten these things. Now that we think about it, maybe it wasn't a good environment for him to have parents who thought like this.
 As a family, we are glad that we participated in the family interviws and joint interviews here. We think we should have participated. We think we may now be able to understand a little more about the son's mind and the background behind his problematic behavior.

治療終了後の感想20代・男性 Male 20s


 As for whether it was effective or not, I think it was very true. In particular, managing stress, which is the cause of the behavior. Other ways to distract yourself. I feel that what I have learned will help prevent problematic behavior. I think it is important to incorporate these things that I have learned, worked on, into my life in the future.
 Compared to about a year ago, the risk of recidivism has been lowered. As I received monthly treatment, I no longer felt strongly motivated by the risks to me, and as time went on, my desire to reoffend gradually diminished.
 If there is anyone who is still undecided about treatment, I would recommend that they undergo it. By coming here regularly and working on treatment, I become more determined to never do this again. This is because it becomes a motivational and mental brake.

治療終了後の感想家族(妻)Family (Wife)


 It felt like a year had passed so quickly. I remember crying when I first came here, wondering what would happen next. When I came here today, I was filled with tears of relief. I'm glad that so many things have changed since the beginning. As a family member, I also want to continue facing this issue.
 There was no one else I could talk to about my husband. When the incident happened, at first I was determined to connect somewhere, so I connected here. Through interviews with therapists, I continue to think that thinking in this way as a family can help prevent recidivism. Therefore, as a family member, I had no objection to participating in the treatment.
 If there is someone who is wondering whether or not to undergo treatment, I would recommend that person receive treatment. I think there is a chance to change by entrusting it to a professional rather than a relative, and my husband actually changed. We don't have to face problems alone. Family members can also vent their concerns through family interviews. I was able to change myself, who had been living with the idea that I had to manage on my own as a family member. In that sense, I recommend treatment. You will change when you come here.

治療終了後の感想30代・男性 Male 30s


 I have just finished 10 times of treatment, but I feel relieved when I come for treatment, so I would like to continue for a while longer. What should a therapist think in a situation like this ? I have become accustomed to thinking that way. As I continue to do this over and over again. I feel that my way of thinking has changed.
 As I said in the last session, what was important to me in the past was money and my position at work, but those things are not necessary now. I started to feel that living a leisurely life with my wife was enough. I automatically believed that I was expected to be a winner in society, wanted more than I was currently doing, constantly compared myself to others, and the stress often led to problematic behavior. Values ​​change. I was able to do so because of the words of other participants and therapists. I started listening to other people's thoughts, and I no longer felt unnecessary anxiety and stress. I started to feel that I was blessed, and my relationships with people changed from there.
 The main things that are useful in risk management are coping and anger management. I keep doing these things and my anger gets close to zero. At first, I was reluctant to talk in small groups, but gradually it became a place where I could talk about things I couldn't talk about with anyone else.
 For those who are unsure about treatment, I recommend that they receive it. Unlike self-help groups, you don't just keep saying things, you dig deeper into the details, which helps you improve your skills. Your way of thinking and values will change for your future life. I wish I had taken it sooner. I'm glad I met a therapist and received treatment here.

治療終了後の感想40代男性 Male 40s


 The risk is lower than it was a year ago. I enjoyed speaking in small groups. The topic I found useful was cognitive restructuring. About myself, news events, work, and various other things, I was able to come up with this idea "if I were ○○ ?". Not only does it help prevent recidivism, it is also helpful in my life.
 If anyone is unsure, I would recommend that they seek treatment. It's the same as going to the hospital when you get sick. Drug use, gambling, and sexual problems. There are many kinds of dependencies. I think it's up to you to realize that. Things that you can't do on your own need to be taken care of by a professional. There is a strong trend towards harsher punishments, but I think there are ways to stop them other than getting caught, and I think it can be prevented.

治療終了後の感想家族(両親)Family (Parents)


 Since my son started receiving treatment, he has had more opportunities to speak. We feel that communication within the family has increased and that the expression on his face has softened. In this way, he was able to express his feelings and opinions on a regular basis, as he talked about it at joint family interviews. Even if something negative happens in his daily life, we can understand his feelings and are happy as a family that he can talk about it and share it with us. My son started to speak, we as a family started to speak, and the whole family changed.
 Our family has really changed. If in doubt, please seek treatment. There are more opportunities for communication within the family, and it is also an opportunity for the individual to think about the risk of reoffending. Such changes do not occur without treatment. It is possible to work together with the therapist in a non-unilateral way to control his and our emotions. By having a third party involved, it becomes possible to have a discussion about why you think so, rather than arguing or complaining.

治療終了後の感想20代男性 Male 20s


 At the time of the incident, I acted on my emotions without thinking about anything. After that, through the treatment here, I became able to think about my feelings at that time and a little ahead. As a result, I feel that I am able to reduce the risk of reoffending compared to before receiving treatment. Each treatment helped me. I think it was worth paying for. If I hadn't been treated, I would have been a repeat offender, and there was a high possibility that bad things would happen to me and the people around me. I have lost that possibility. Cognitive restructuring is particularly useful. In the part of my thoughts before I act, I decide the direction for myself, to the better or the different.
 I was in therapy with other people, and I think that was a plus. The reason I realized things I didn't realize myself was because I was able to hear other people's opinions. If anyone is wondering whether to receive treatment or not, I recommend treatment. Because there are many parts that were good to receive treatment, and as a result, I think that it will lead to the prevention of recidivism.

治療終了後の感想家族(両親)Family (Parents)


 We are glad that our son was provided here with a treatment that he felt was effective. He's been getting treatment and these days he's starting to feel a lot calmer and better. A conversation was established between our families. I think he struggles with the balance between keeping himself and changing himself, but he seems to be working on his anger control.
 I think he's starting to sort himself out. He used to be overwhelmed with emotions and didn't know what was going on. I feel like he has his own mind now, is steady, and is at his own pace.
 If someone is suffering without treatment, we recommend to have treatment as our family felt it was a scientifically based treatment. It takes time to calm down, but it's better to have a method to move forward with this treatment program than to remain ignorant of the technique. Through the program, we were able to sort out our feelings for each other.

治療終了後の感想50代男性 Male 50s


 The biggest thing was that I was able to learn techniques and control methods here. Having a place to talk about anything like this also helped. By doing so, I was able to think and analyze through the opportunity to reflect on myself. If I was asked to do this by myself, I probably wouldn't be able to do it.
 It was also good to proceed with treatment with a small number of people. It's hard to talk in a large group, and four people including the therapist felt just right. I was able to hear other people's thoughts in a similar situation, and I became interested, and it was very helpful to understand the similarities and differences.
 I feel that my risk is lower than before I received treatment. I am able to see myself objectively. I am able to respond appropriately when a desire arises. I'm starting to understand my condition like this now. Coping and the Good Lives model are one of the things I often remember and practice, and feel the effects.
 If there are people who are unable to stop their problem behavior on their own and are wondering whether or not to seek treatment, I recommend that they seek treatment. I was the same, but it's hard to improve because you can't broaden your horizons just thinking about it alone. To provide useful information and to convey the necessary points. I think this is what professionals can do.

治療終了後の感想家族(妻)Family (Wife)



 I thought that participating in a program for families was necessary as a family to help prevent recidivism. But I'm not good at speaking in public. So, I think it was good for me that I had an individual interview with the therapist instead of with other family members due to the covid-19.
 The reason why I felt it was necessary to participate in the treatment as a family member was that there was a risk of reoffending when living with my husband. In order not to repeat the same thing when the risk increases, I have to think about what to do with my husband at that time. For that reason, it is necessary for the family to grasp and understand the contents provided in the treatment.
 It seems like a long time, but 10 months have passed in a blink of an eye. During the two joint family interviews, I felt that my husband was speaking more clearly than usual, and I was able to listen to and share what he had to say. I renewed my feeling that I would support her as a wife. I would like to continue to create an environment where families can continue to consult with each other when necessary, even after treatment is completed.
 If you have a family member who is worried about a family member who can't stop the problem behavior, I recommend treatment. If you don't get treatment, you will suffer the same thing over and over again. Because this is a specialized institution, I feel that it should be taken for the benefit of the whole family.

治療終了後の感想40代男性 Male 40s


 The reason why I decided to receive treatment here was largely because it was a specialized institution for sexual crimes. It was good to be specialized in my problem behavior. In terms of feelings, the hurdles were lowered at once, and it was easy to take a step forward.
 What I felt after receiving 10 treatments was that there were many things that I had lost on a conscious level. The most important one is specifically the replacement of cognition. When I'm doing problem behavior, I'm completely missing. It really inspired me. Anger control and stress management. Everything was just learning. I think I can change myself by working on them by dropping them into my life. When I was doing problem behavior, it was a sense that problem behavior was incorporated into everyday life. Problem behavior itself is now becoming something extraordinary. The biggest difference is that risks are perceived as risks in the first place.
 If anyone is hesitant about treatment, I think they should try it. After undergoing treatment, I realized that my thinking and life were changing. Also, by receiving treatment, you can have a real feeling that you are restarting to change. Before the treatment, I was just self-blaming and pessimistic, but after receiving treatment, the way I deal with my mental side and the way I hold my heart has changed.My wife, who watches over me by my side, strongly encouraged me to restart.
 If you are receiving treatment in secret from your wife, you will not be able to convey your feelings and thoughts, and even if the risk increases, you will not be able to talk about it. In that sense, the fact that my wife understood and cooperated with the treatment was significant.

治療終了後の感想家族(妻)Family (Wife)


 I received four sessions of family support program while mu husband received treatment, then was glad that the place where my husband treated has a program to support the family. It was a good opportunity to hear about the treatment status from the person in charge of treatment, and also I was able to hear the frank impression of my husband who was undergoing treatment.
 We won't know until we try it, but I definitely recommend anyone in need to get it. If we hadn't received it, my husband wouldn't have been able to develop the flexibility to take in other people's ideas, and I would have spent my days clashing with him. Also, while continuing treatment, I learned that there were other people and families in the same situation, and I thought I would try my best.
 As a family, it is difficult to fully understand the person who caused the incident, but I felt that the family, like the person, should be flexible and support the person while changing. I realized that I could change myself. There is no other opportunity to know the thoughts of various people. I think it's pretty useful to be able to share it. Some families may still be blaming each other for their troubles alone. I don't think the situation will ever change without treatment.

治療終了後の感想40代男性 Male 40s


 I think I have a lower risk of reoffending than before I received treatment. Because I received 10 treatments in a small group, I had the opportunity to know other people's way of thinking. I also started to pay more attention to the people who supported me. I feel that the lack of flexibility in thinking was one of factors in causing the incident. It was great to be able to share how other people are getting a life without re-offending, how to get satisfaction without re-offending, and so on.
 The thing that sticks out the most is stress management. I learned that there are different types of coping with stress, which led me to understand that I should try to change my thoughts and actions according to each type.
 If you are unsure about whether or not to seek treatment, I encourage you to do so. If you only have your own way of thinking, you will repeat the same thing. Through therapy, I get to know other people's thoughts and realize that I'm not the only one suffering. Before the start, I wanted individual treatment, but the result was good to receive it in a small group. If you have a family, please take it with them. Having support is definitely more powerful than being alone.

治療終了後の感想家族(両親)Family (Parents)


 For the past year since my son started treatment, we've been spending every day feeling like we don't want him to do it again. He has achieved recidivism prevention while repeating sessions with a therapist once a month, but post-treatment is important. We are relieved to hear that even after we've finished the treatment, if by any chance the situation becomes dangerous again, we can contact therapist and talk about how to prevent re-offending.
 There was no reluctance for us to participate in the treatment (family meeting, joint family consultation). We understood that the family will also do it with my son in order to prevent recidivism. And we approached with the feeling that we are together. If we participate in joint family interviews together, we think my son will feel that they are not alone. At the family meeting, it was easy for us to share things that were difficult to talk about and that we could not ask when my son was present.
 After about a year of treatment, we chose to finish treatment. In the future, we will be doing it ourselves, but we want to put into practice what we have learned here. We feel that we are here because we had the opportunity to receive treatment.

治療終了後の感想30代男性 Male 30s


 I didn't know anything about cognitive behavioral therapy until I started treatment here. After starting, I was able to learn each step carefully, and as I practiced on my own, I was able to gradually learn and feel that my direction changed as I continued.
 Then I was able to understand what satisfaction is for me, how to obtain it, and that there are other ways besides problem behavior. As a result, the risk of recidivism was gradually reduced, and continues to this day. The most impressive topic is the restructuring of cognition that I often practice when I feel like I'm going to go in a bad direction in my dairy life.
 Even if I occaisionally remember past problem behaviors, the feeling of wanting to do it again will almost disappear and I can prevent recidivism by practicing and repeating cognitive reconstruction etc. After completing the assessment, I received 10 sessions of cognitive-behavioral therapy, and I'm glad I did. It may not be obvious from the outside, but I feel that the treatment has changed me greatly. So, if you're wondering whether or not to get treatment, I recommend that you try it once.

治療終了後の感想家族(妻)Family (Wife)


 As I didn't have anywhere to talk about my feelings, so it was helpful to have a place where family could talk. I can't tell other family members about my husband's problem behavior. It wasn't something I could talk about to anyone, so I couldn't express my emotions, and there was no outlet for me.
 It must have been helpful for my husband to have the opportunity to think for nearly a year, and to be able to talk to the therapist about anything. Even if people around him tell him to do this or that, he will not solve it unless he try to change himself. At first, one month seemed like a long time, but as we continued, we gradually got a chance to think about it, and I believe he felt that it had become the time he needed to change himself.
 Even when I blamed my husband at home, he was able to be supported in the treatment session, and we were able to get involved with a third party therapist from a position different from my family. In these way I felt strong. If you are hesitant about getting treatment, I think you should try it. Because you need a place to talk to yourself and your family.

治療終了後の感想50代男性 Male 50s


 At first, it was a tough job, especially facing my weaknesses and ugliness. However, while talking about various things here, I was able to recognize the pattern of my own cognition, and I think it was an opportunity to move forward one step at a time. If I didn't do well, I tended to get desperate, but at that time my wife and the person in charge of treatment helped me a lot.
 I was very reluctant to proceed with treatment in a group at first, but I was inspired by hearing the opinions of other participants. I felt it helped me understand myself.I really hate exposing myself, but it always helps. I recommend therapy. I think that it will give you an opportunity to change not only the surface, but also the core of yourself, to return to the origin and start over from scratch..

治療終了後の感想家族(両親)Family (Parents)




 Even if there are institutions that give punishment after doing a problematic act, it is difficult to find an institution that can be consulted. We were saved when we found this office. As far as we know, we tried to connect to all kinds of institutions, but we couldn't find anything fits our family. We must have been at a loss because we did1n't know what to do if we couldn't get treatment.
 To be honest, We were annoyed when family are expected to participated in the treatment. Because we were skeptical about its effect, such as taking the time to take the time to get treatment ?, isn't it enough for son to receive treatment ?, and is it meaningful for the family to participate ? However, as a result, we realized that it had been a relief for our family to participate in the treatment process.
 We don't know if it really works until we get treatment. It is not an immediate treatment, so it is necessary to keep an eye on the progress. We don't know if it works for everyone, but at least it fits our family. If you are having trouble finding an institution to consult with, please take it here once. We recommend this office.

治療終了後の感想40代・男性 Male 40s




 I've been treated here and feel pretty good. The deciding factor when choosing a treatment / consultation institution was people. He was a healer who felt that he was trying to solve our problem together. I would like to recommend it to those who are looking for a treatment / consultation institution. It should be a helpful place for people who have problems that are difficult to talk to.
 Compared to myself before receiving treatment, I think I am now at a lower risk of recidivism. I was able to reduce my stress and negative emotions. I think that's because I always had the opportunity to reflect on my feelings and thoughts in each session, and gradually deepened my self-understanding. Now that I understand the situations that cause discomfort and desires for me, I know how to control them, and I can design my life in a way that suits me.
 It was also good to be able to refer to the ideas of others by receiving treatment in a small group. I was worried that people would ask me about my problem behavior, but the therapist successfully prepared an environment where I could feel at ease. Even difficult topics can be explained in an easy-to-understand manner.
 The solution is different for each person. It must be a place where you can deepen your understanding and learn the solution for yourself. Please use this office without worrying.

治療終了後の感想ご家族(母親)Family (Mother)





 After the behavioral problem, the boy said he was deeply remorseful, and each time the family sternly told him. Still, the same thing happens over time. I tried to use my courage and contacted the hospital, but it was refused. When I was at a loss, I found out on the Internet that there was an institution like this office, and after my son's assessment, we decided to discuss it and receive treatment.

 We are glad that my son received cognitive behavioral therapy and me and my husband received family support. It must be my son who should change, and there is nothing wrong with family. While thinking that way, we were also worried that our child-rearing might have been wrong. Therefore, we do remember being very relieved when we attended a family meeting (family interview) and a joint family interview including my son. The reason is that there is no need to search for bad guys, and the content is such that they are asked to think about the background leading to problem behavior and to think about domestic communication that helps prevent recidivism.

 Because it is not a family problem that can be consulted anywhere, the family tries to make an effort alone. I learned that the effort is not a mistake, but I can devise it. If you are having trouble finding a treatment institution, we recommend that you contact this office once.

 My son and our family have completed 10 treatments. In the future, I will do my best so that the whole family can practice family communication so that my son will not be isolated.




 To be honest, at first I only wanted them to take care of my son and I did not want to participate in the treatment. I did not need to talk to other family members or think about how we will be involved as a family. I think it related to my weakness in discussions. I'm still not good at it, but I don't have the idea that I don't need a place for families. While my son continued the treatment without dislike, change has come little by little, I finally decided to work on it without running away.

 It was also good for me that Family Day (Family Meeting) changed from a group format to an individual interview due to covid-19. No matter how many promises we made, my son repeatedly committed recidivism, so I only angered him. This is the first time I have thought about the reason why my son would do that in a family interview. After finishing 10 times sessions, we chose to finish the treatment and try it on our own, but I am relieved to hear that if we feel uneasy, we will be able to consult them again. There must be many families in the world who feel and act in the same way as I did. If you are in doubt, I recommend that you consult with them once.

治療終了後の感想30代・男性 Male 30s




 I am able to reduce the risk of recidivism compared to myself a year ago when I started treatment. Through cognitive-behavioral therapy, I have grasped and dealt with when the risk increases, attached another idea, found an alternative divergence method, and repeatedly practiced it in daily life. I think it's the body.

 Cognitive-behavioral therapy is useful not only for sex crimes, but also for reducing daily trivial skirmishes. Even if you want to be emotional and want to hit, or if you want to say something bitter, I try to think of the other person feels, what will happen if I hit, and change my behavior. That's how I began to be able to apply the treatment.

 For those who are thinking of receiving treatment from now on.
 Perhaps just receiving it will not improve the effectiveness of the treatment. I felt that the accumulation of successful experiences of putting the knowledge I learned into practice in my daily life and creating a successful experience that I was able to do without sexual harm even though I was so stressed would be effective. By all means, please do not just receive treatment, but work on a daily basis to gain confidence. As we spend a lot of money and time, so I'd like you to try that much.

治療終了後の感想20代・男性 Male 20s




 I was able to get various consultations throughout the year. I was saved because there were things I could only talk about here and I could only talk to them here. It was also a valuable experience to be able to talk with people who are suffering from problems similar to mine and are trying to overcome them.

  It is still to imagine the contents of clothes when the temperature rises and it is time to wear light clothes. Before, I couldn't control it just by imagining it, and I took action. But now I can leave in the same situation. What if I do it next time? Will more people be sad? What do you really want to get? I can ask myself in this way, and I can stop action.

  I have practiced the cognitive reconstruction and coping that I learned here, and I think that is going well, so I will continue to do so. Thank you very much for your help. 


Fukuoka Psychological Educational Office HYGGE


Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
※Details will be provided upon maiking appointment.

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