ふくおか心理教育オフィス ヒュッゲ|福岡県福岡市博多区

If you or family are worried about sex offence, an addict (drug use etc.), violence, abuse, other problematic behaviors (illegal acts),  please contact us.

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研修報告(日本心理臨床学会)Training Report(The Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology)


 Everyone who uses our office and everyone visits the homepage.
 The war is not over yet. I sincerely hope that the war will end as soon as possible.
 I would like to report on my participation in the Japanese Society of Clinical Psychology held in Yokohama. This year marks the 43rd anniversary of this conference. After the coronavirus pandemic, it was the first time in more than 5 years that I had face-to-face participation. In addition to my own case study presentation, I also listened to the presentations of other clinicians' case studies and research studies. I was stimulated in a variety of ways, and for the first time in a long time, my mind was saturated. Next month, I plan to plan and present my work at an independent symposium organized by this society with clinical psychologists who share my interests. Please let me report again.
 What can be provided in society and in facilities to help prevent recidivism? I will continue to study and think about this in the future. For those of you who are worried about sexual crimes, drug use, theft, violence, fraud, and other problematic behaviors (illegal behaviors) that you want to stop but can't stop, as well as your families, please do not worry about it alone, but take the opportunity to think about it together. . We look forward to hearing from you..
2024年09月09日 09:00

研修報告(認知療法ワークショップ)Training Report(Cognitive therapy workshop)


 精神症状を呈する対象者のadaptive modeにaccessする。そのためには4つのstrategiesが有効であり、accessしながらimportant valueを特定し、the meaning of valueをconsistent and predictable actionへつなげる。そしてstep to achive aspirationを共同作業で明確にする…。現時点ではこのような理解が進んでいます。

 Everyone who uses our office and everyone visits the homepage.
 The war is not over yet. I sincerely hope that the war will end as soon as possible.
 I participated in the ``Cognitive Therapy Workshop for Recovery (CT-R)'' organized by the International Exchange Committee of the Japanese Clinical Psychological Association. CT-R is a cognitive therapy approach that has recently gained attention as an approach to people with serious psychiatric symptoms for whom psychological intervention has not been widely used. The seminar was held with the Beck Institute in the United States as a lecturer and an interpreter, with the aim of being useful not only in the field of psychiatry, but also in the field of welfare psychology, which is involved in supporting independence in the community.
 Access the adaptive mode of a subject exhibiting psychotic symptoms. To this end, four strategies are effective: identifying important values ​​while accessing them, and connecting the meaning of value to consistent and predictable action. And clarify the step to achievable aspiration through collaborative work... This understanding is currently progressing.
 Our office provides psychological treatment aimed at preventing recidivism using a cognitive behavioral therapy approach. I was interested in the work of understanding and connecting the essence of CT-R when providing it. We will strive to improve the precision of our support for people who are struggling with problematic behaviors (illegal behaviors) that they want to stop but cannot, such as sexual crimes, drug use, theft, violence, and fraud.
2024年07月26日 09:00

活動報告(大学院特別講師)Activity Report(Graduate school special lecturer)

 先日、県内某大学院のゼミにおける特別講師の機会をいただきましたことをご報告します。性犯罪加害者に対する治療の理解を深める、という目的でご依頼をいただき、当日は実際提供している治療と枠組み、そして課題と感じる事柄についてをお話させていただきました。リラプスプリベンション、RNR、Good Livesの各モデルをどのようなバランスで捉えているのかなど改めて振り返る好機ともなり、大雨警報が出る悪天候の中にもかかわらず熱心に共有いただいた学生の皆様と先生方には、このような機会をいただけたことにあらためて感謝申し上げします。

 Everyone who uses our office and everyone visits the homepage
 The war is not over yet. I do hope that the war will end as soon as possible.
 I sincerely pray for the earliest possible recovery of the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.
 I would like to report that I recently had the opportunity to be a special lecturer at a seminar at a certain graduate school in Fukuoka Prefecture. I was asked to do so with the aim of deepening the understanding of treatment for perpetrators of sexual crimes, and on the day I spoke about the treatment and framework that we actually provide, as well as what I feel are the challenges. It was also a good opportunity to reflect on the balance between Relapse Prevention, RNR, and Good Lives models, and the students and teachers enthusiastically shared their thoughts despite the severe weather with heavy rain warnings. I would like to express my gratitude once again for giving me this opportunity.
 In my personal opinion, if falling into a situation that cannot be stopped on one's own, including sexual crimes, is seen as a problem for society as a whole, rather than a problem unique to the individual, it will lead to further prevention and improvement support. I feel that it is possible to reduce the number of perpetrators and, as a result, the damage itself. Although it will not be easy to achieve this goal, I will continue to strive to improve the accuracy of our support for people who are suffering from problematic behavior (illegal behavior) that they want to stop but cannot stop, such as sexual crimes, drug use, theft, violence, and fraud. For those of you who are struggling with unstoppable behavior, why don't you take the opportunity to think together instead of worrying about it alone? Looking forward to hearing from you.
2024年07月18日 09:00

研修報告(集団認知行動療法研究会・研修会)Training Report(Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Study Group )


 Everyone who uses our office and everyone visits the homepage.
 The war is not over yet. I sincerely hope that the war will end as soon as possible.
 The other day, I participated in an online training session hosted by the Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Research Group. I get the impression that the participants belong to a variety of fields, including medical care, welfare, education, and corrections. I learned a lot from learning basic knowledge and role-playing cognitive restructuring and problem-solving methods, and it was an opportunity for me to reflect on my own daily clinical practice. I couldn't deny that I was tired because the training was on a holiday, but I'm sure it was a good stimulus. I feel that training opportunities are necessary.
 Our office also provides treatment aimed at preventing recidivism in the form of group cognitive behavioral therapy. We will continue to strive to improve the precision of our support for people who are struggling with problematic behaviors (illegal behaviors) that they want to stop but cannot, such as sexual crimes, drug use, theft, violence, and fraud. For those who are worried about unstoppable behavior and their families, please do not worry about it alone, but take the opportunity to think about it together. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
2024年06月23日 09:00

「性犯罪再犯防止」メディア取材のお知らせ News of media coverage




 To all users of our office, to all of you who are viewing our website
 A while ago, we received a request for an interview from the News Department of the RKB Mainichi Broadcasting Corporation, and accepted the request. We would like to report as the contents of that interview were published as a web article the other day.
 Aware of the question, "Why are there so many recidivisms for sexual crimes?'', The purpose of the interview was to cover the situation and raise awareness of the organization and its efforts. Then they focused on organizations that implement rehabilitation programs for perpetrators of sexual crimes as an effort to prevent recidivism, and looked at what kind of initiatives these organizations are implementing. For this interview, we were able to receive the cooperation of our office users, who also provided us with their frank opinions as people receiving psychological treatment. Please read it if you have a chance.
 Our office emphasizes that "It is not the case that only special people suddenly become perpetrators of sexual assault...If a person becomes a perpetrator, a certain period of treatment is required to change the behavioral pattern.'' It must be effective...and as a result of reducing the number of perpetrators, the damage itself can be reduced...''I am accepting this interview in the hope that I can send this message to society
 Preventing recidivism is never easy, but it is possible to maintain proper self-management. For that reason, it is desirable for some people to receive proper treatment and support for a certain period of time (not forever) and learn the way of self-management.Although our office is a small entity, as one of the treatment and support institutions in society, we would like to continue to support those who are suffering from behavior that they want to stop but cannot stop, and their families.
2024年05月11日 09:00

研修計画 2024 Training Plan




 I DO hope that the war that continues on earth will end as soon as possible.
 "If you don't study hard, you'll become a normal person, not an expert, without knowing it." "After obtaining the qualification, we will announce it at academic conferences and workshops every year. That is our duty as an expert." These are the words given to me by the graduate school professors and predecessors who took care of me. At that time, I felt uneasy and burdened that I had stepped into a difficult world, but I have continued as long as I can.
 Our office has provided psychological treatment to those who are suffering from behavior (mainly sexual crimes) that they want to stop but cannot stop. In order to stably provide psychological treatment such as cognitive behavioral therapy, we on the side of the provider should be able to manage the mind and body, as well as ensure that the treatment can be provided effectively. It is very important to continue to study.

 We will continue to look back on ourselves and maintain the attitude of incorporating what is necessary to improve ourselves so that we can be of service to those who have chosen our office as their treatment destination. To that end, we are planning to give presentations at academic conferences to which we belong, participate in group cognitive behavioral therapy training, and cognitive therapy workshops.
2024年04月23日 09:00

開設から5年目を迎えることができました。 We were able to welcome the 5th year since our establishment.




 Everyone who uses our office and everyone visits the homepage
 I sincerely hope that the war that continues on earth will end as soon as possible.
 Spring 2020, we opened our office independently at the same time as the Corona disaster. Thanks to everyone, we are reaching the fifth year since the establishment. We do appreciate it.
 Who am I doing this job for ? Who is each of my words and actions shown in the treatment scene for ? I would like to continue to ask myself as therapist, which I must not forget in continuing this work, and aim to provide a more sophisticated treatment environment while struggling and worried. As we celebrate our fifth year since our establishment, we have renewed our desire to continue our training this year as well.
 People who are suffering from sexual crimes, substance use, theft, violence, and other acts that they want to quit but cannot quit. So that everyone who connects to our office with painful feelings will try to do their best in the assessment and treatment for a restart, so that the number of people who will be damaged by receiving treatment will be reduced as much as possible. We will continue to study."
2024年04月05日 09:00

活動報告(研修会講師)Activity Report(Workshop instructor)


 Everyone who uses our office and everyone visits the homepage
 The war is not over yet. I do hope that the war will end as soon as possible.
 I sincerely pray for the earliest possible recovery of the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.
 Today I would like to inform you that I had the opportunity to lecture at a training session on the topic of "Addiction and illegal behavior: Collaboration with other organizations to prevent recidivism.'' This time, at the request of the Correctional Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, we spoke to everyone involved in the prevention and rehabilitation of illegal behavior in society. I am very honored. We explained the mechanism of behavior from the approach of cognitive behavioral therapy and exchanged opinions using hypothetical cases.
 What kinds of support can be provided by which institutions within society and at what stages? It was a very valuable opportunity for me as well, as I was able to share with everyone the things that I am interested in on a daily basis. I would like to appreciate once again for giving me this opportunity.
 I will continue to strive to improve the accuracy of our support for people who are suffering from problematic behavior (illegal behavior) that they want to stop but cannot stop, such as sexual crimes, drug use, theft, violence, and fraud. For those of you who are struggling with unstoppable behavior, why don't you take the opportunity to think together instead of worrying about it alone? Looking forward to hearing from you.
2024年03月18日 09:00

能登半島地震のお見舞い Sympathy for the Noto Peninsula Earthquake


  I would like to pray for the repose of the souls of those who lost their lives in this earthquake, and offer my condolences to their bereaved families. I would also like to express my heartfelt sympathies to everyone affected by the disaster.
 As a person and as a professional, I will continue to think about what I can do and take action. I sincerely pray for everyone's safety and the earliest possible recovery of the disaster-stricken areas.
2024年01月21日 09:00

研修報告(国境なき医師団イベント「ガザ地区で目撃した現実─今、私たちに何ができるのか」)Training Report




 Everyone who uses our office and everThe war is not over yet.
 I sincerely hope for an end to wars and conflicts on earth as soon as possible.
 This event is a report on the activities of Médecins Sans Frontières Expat, which has completed its activities in the Gaza Strip in Palestine and was forced to withdraw. Journalists also joined us, and we were able to hear a glimpse of what is happening in the Gaza Strip today, and it was an opportunity to broaden my limited perspective.
 Can you imagine where the country of Palestine and the Gaza Strip are located and what kind of people live there? There are many things that I didn't know until I actually visited Palestine and started providing psychological support. Even if I know about it, there are many things that I cannot easily understand. But why? …and.
 Even if we are born on the same planet, there are people who can live safely and people who cannot. No one can choose the environment they are born into. On the same planet, when it comes to things that happen around us, I don't think, ``I'm glad it's not the environment I'm in,'' or ``I'm fine with it as long as I'm okay with it.'', Instead, I think ``What can I do with the spirit of we help each other when we are in trouble'', I want to be a person, a professional who can be considered like this. I realized that feeling again..
 Our office will continue to provide support to people who are struggling with problematic behavior (illegal behavior) that they want to stop but are unable to stop, such as sexual crimes, drug use, theft, violence, and fraud. For those of you who are worried about unstoppable behavior and families who worry about it, please do not worry about it alone, but think about it together. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
2023年12月28日 09:00


Fukuoka Psychological Educational Office HYGGE


Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
※Details will be provided upon maiking appointment.

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