今年度の研修を開始しました This year's training has started

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As early as mid-May, here in Fukuoka, the rainy season started earlier than usual. This is a report of my participation in the monthly online CBT skill improvement seminar from the end of April and last week at the Webinar of Doctors Without Borders mentioned as a training plan.
First of all, at the CBT skill improvement seminar that lasts for one year once a month, I hope that you will be able to learn with a fresh feeling while checking what you can do with cognitive behavioral therapy, the merits of providing it, issues, etc. I had it. Next is the webinar of Doctors Without Borders. The theme is "The future of humanitarian aid-to truly" leave no one behind ". Sessions co-sponsored with " The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on "Syria," "Conflict and Climate Change," and "Coronavirus Infections: Secondary Impacts on Women's and Children's Health." The theme of leaving no one behind is also the goal of the SDGs, and we recognize that it seems to be magnificent and familiar. I felt once again that I wanted to be a human, a clinician who can act with the thought of what I can do for someone in need.
Although I felt a little tired after work, I am glad that I participated in the training. I will continue to study so that people will be able to feel more secure and stable at our office in the process of stopping those acts that they want to stop but cannot stop, such as sex crimes, drug use, and theft.
As early as mid-May, here in Fukuoka, the rainy season started earlier than usual. This is a report of my participation in the monthly online CBT skill improvement seminar from the end of April and last week at the Webinar of Doctors Without Borders mentioned as a training plan.
First of all, at the CBT skill improvement seminar that lasts for one year once a month, I hope that you will be able to learn with a fresh feeling while checking what you can do with cognitive behavioral therapy, the merits of providing it, issues, etc. I had it. Next is the webinar of Doctors Without Borders. The theme is "The future of humanitarian aid-to truly" leave no one behind ". Sessions co-sponsored with " The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on "Syria," "Conflict and Climate Change," and "Coronavirus Infections: Secondary Impacts on Women's and Children's Health." The theme of leaving no one behind is also the goal of the SDGs, and we recognize that it seems to be magnificent and familiar. I felt once again that I wanted to be a human, a clinician who can act with the thought of what I can do for someone in need.
Although I felt a little tired after work, I am glad that I participated in the training. I will continue to study so that people will be able to feel more secure and stable at our office in the process of stopping those acts that they want to stop but cannot stop, such as sex crimes, drug use, and theft.
2021年05月17日 09:00