新型コロナワクチン接種のお知らせ Notification of covid-19 vaccination

To All of our office users, Everyone viewing the homepage
Summer greeting from our office. Please continue to be careful about corona and heat stroke during midsummer.
Today, we would like to inform that we have completed the inoculation of the new corona vaccine twice. We appreciate all coworkers at part-time working place who took care of us for vaccine.
There are various ways of thinking about vaccination depending on different positions and conditions. The risk of adverse vaccine reactions and the risk of sequelae after corona infection should be taken into consideration when making a selection, but for some people, the choice is not easy. It would be better to have a process of not only imposing one idea, but also imagining the reason for the person's choice, listening to the story, and exchanging opinions. In any case, we believe that the best choice for everyone is based on reliable information.
In Fukuoka, where the "Priority Measures To Prevent The Spread" will be applied again in a few days, our office will continue to support both online (Skype, Zoom) and on-site (face-to-face). If you want to stop sexual crimes, substance use, or other problematic behavior, but you are worried about it, please contact us once without holding it alone. Why don't you create an opportunity to think together about what kind of life you want and what you should do for that purpose? We'll be expecting your inquiry.
Summer greeting from our office. Please continue to be careful about corona and heat stroke during midsummer.
Today, we would like to inform that we have completed the inoculation of the new corona vaccine twice. We appreciate all coworkers at part-time working place who took care of us for vaccine.
There are various ways of thinking about vaccination depending on different positions and conditions. The risk of adverse vaccine reactions and the risk of sequelae after corona infection should be taken into consideration when making a selection, but for some people, the choice is not easy. It would be better to have a process of not only imposing one idea, but also imagining the reason for the person's choice, listening to the story, and exchanging opinions. In any case, we believe that the best choice for everyone is based on reliable information.
In Fukuoka, where the "Priority Measures To Prevent The Spread" will be applied again in a few days, our office will continue to support both online (Skype, Zoom) and on-site (face-to-face). If you want to stop sexual crimes, substance use, or other problematic behavior, but you are worried about it, please contact us once without holding it alone. Why don't you create an opportunity to think together about what kind of life you want and what you should do for that purpose? We'll be expecting your inquiry.
2021年07月31日 09:00