研修報告(国境なき医師団オンラインイベント)人道援助に参加する理由 Training Report(Reasons to participate in humanitarian aid)

まもなく立冬を迎え、寒さが増してまいります。引き続きご自愛ください。設立50周年を迎えた国境なき医師団(MSF:Medecins Sans Frontieres)のオンラインイベントを拝聴し、考えたことを記してみます。今回のイベントはMSFの活動現場を取材した作家・クリエイターのかたと、MSFの海外派遣スタッフが「なぜ人道援助をするのか」について、それぞれの活動経験を踏まえながら話し合うものでした。
Everyone who uses our office and everyone visits this homepage.
It will soon be winter and the cold will increase. Please continue to love yourself.
Here's what I thought about when I listened to the online event of Doctors Without Borders (MSF: Medecins Sans Frontieres), which celebrated its 50th anniversary. At this event, writers and creators who interviewed MSF's activity sites and MSF's expats discussed "why humanitarian assistance is provided" based on their respective activity experiences.
In response to questions such as "Why did you decide to participate in humanitarian aid?" "Why are there not only disadvantages in career and income, but also sometimes life-threatening? Same sound. "There are people who are in trouble because they cannot receive the necessary assistance". MSF's expats answered in the same way. Although the occupations are different, I was happy to feel that we were all similar.
Looking back on why I participated in MSF activities, I strongly felt that I wanted to live out of an environment where the idea that as long as I am ok, that is fine, period. If someone was in trouble somewhere and I had the conditions to deliver the help they needed, I thought I would go anywhere on the planet and was screened by MSF.
I still feel that way. For the past few years, the timing of MSF's mission has not been right, but I have been working on my job in Japan with the same feelings. We will continue to study so that we can deliver the assistance needed by those who are worried about sexual crimes, drug use, theft, violence, fraud, and other problematic acts (illegal acts) that they want to stop but cannot stop, and their families continuing training to pile up. Please feel free to contact us by email or phone without worrying alone.
It will soon be winter and the cold will increase. Please continue to love yourself.
Here's what I thought about when I listened to the online event of Doctors Without Borders (MSF: Medecins Sans Frontieres), which celebrated its 50th anniversary. At this event, writers and creators who interviewed MSF's activity sites and MSF's expats discussed "why humanitarian assistance is provided" based on their respective activity experiences.
In response to questions such as "Why did you decide to participate in humanitarian aid?" "Why are there not only disadvantages in career and income, but also sometimes life-threatening? Same sound. "There are people who are in trouble because they cannot receive the necessary assistance". MSF's expats answered in the same way. Although the occupations are different, I was happy to feel that we were all similar.
Looking back on why I participated in MSF activities, I strongly felt that I wanted to live out of an environment where the idea that as long as I am ok, that is fine, period. If someone was in trouble somewhere and I had the conditions to deliver the help they needed, I thought I would go anywhere on the planet and was screened by MSF.
I still feel that way. For the past few years, the timing of MSF's mission has not been right, but I have been working on my job in Japan with the same feelings. We will continue to study so that we can deliver the assistance needed by those who are worried about sexual crimes, drug use, theft, violence, fraud, and other problematic acts (illegal acts) that they want to stop but cannot stop, and their families continuing training to pile up. Please feel free to contact us by email or phone without worrying alone.
2021年11月03日 18:00