社会復帰へ向けた支援につきまして Regarding support for returning to society

The war is not over yet. I do agree that unilateral changes in the status quo by force should not be allowed "in any region" and hope that the war will end as soon as possible.
Thank you for using [Support for returning to society] so that those who need treatment can lead to treatment as soon as possible. We would like to explain a little about the business trip costs, which are often asked before using the service. As you can see in the [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)] on the homepage, our office is opened in Fukuoka, so if you make a request from a distance, you may be concerned about the cost of business trip. Therefore, regarding the time restraint fee, we will charge a restraint fee for the time required, then it is not calculated from Fukuoka, where our office is located, but between the place A (police station, detention center, court, meeting place, etc.) where we visit and the Shinkansen station or Airport B closest to A. Fukuoka is not the starting point. However, we will charge the actual expenses for transportation expenses
For example, let's say you request support for returning to society and we head for a one-hour interview at institution A outside the prefecture. It takes 1 hour for a round trip from the nearest Shinkansen station B to A, so the time constraint fee in this case will be 2 hours. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
In covid-19, both adults and children have been living under various restrictions from their respective positions. Not only we found new discoveries and enjoyment, but we also have the frustration and suffering that we couldn't do what we want to do as before.
In such a situation, if you or your family are suffering from sexual crimes, drug use, or other problematic acts (illegal acts), please feel free to contact us once without having to carry it alone. Why don't you try to find a chance to quit and change together ? We look forward to hearing from you.