「性犯罪再犯防止」メディア取材のお知らせ News of media coverage

To all users of our office, to all of you who are viewing our website
The other day, I was interviewed by a request from the Nishinippon Shimbun Press Center social department. I heard that part of the interview was published as an article in the morning edition of Thursday, October 6, 2022. I will make that report easier.
I explained things that I could see from clinical psychology at our office as my personal opinion to a reporter who had a point of view such as“During the interview process, we focused on the rapid increase in voyeurism due to the corona crisis, and by digging deeper into the background and reasons, we may be able to see the current situation and issues. I feel that it is necessary to raise awareness based on the perspective of the perpetrators."
I heard that the article was summarized as follows. 【…We all live our lives under the influence of our environment, managing our physical and mental conditions on a daily basis. The corona crisis that has continued for several years has had a considerable impact on our daily lives. It is conceivable that some people have come to vent their gradual accumulation of frustration through the undesirable means of voyeurism as they feel trapped in their environment. Also, rather than only special people with special sexual problems become perpetrators, it seems that people who have lived a normal life has started to satisfy their desires with undesirable means at some point. There are many cases where it is perceived that it has become…】
Preventing recidivism is never easy, but it is possible to maintain proper self-management. For that reason, it is desirable for some people to receive proper treatment and support for a certain period of time (not forever) and learn the way of self-management.Although our office is a small entity, as one of the treatment and support institutions in society, we would like to continue to support those who are suffering from behavior that they want to stop but cannot stop, and their families.
2022年10月20日 09:00