ふくおか心理教育オフィス ヒュッゲ|福岡県福岡市博多区

If you or family are worried about sex offence, an addict (drug use etc.), violence, abuse, other problematic behaviors (illegal acts),  please contact us.

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「性犯罪再犯防止」メディア取材のお知らせ News of media coverage




 To all users of our office, to all of you who are viewing our website
 A while ago, we received a request for an interview from the News Department of the RKB Mainichi Broadcasting Corporation, and accepted the request. We would like to report as the contents of that interview were published as a web article the other day.
 Aware of the question, "Why are there so many recidivisms for sexual crimes?'', The purpose of the interview was to cover the situation and raise awareness of the organization and its efforts. Then they focused on organizations that implement rehabilitation programs for perpetrators of sexual crimes as an effort to prevent recidivism, and looked at what kind of initiatives these organizations are implementing. For this interview, we were able to receive the cooperation of our office users, who also provided us with their frank opinions as people receiving psychological treatment. Please read it if you have a chance.
 Our office emphasizes that "It is not the case that only special people suddenly become perpetrators of sexual assault...If a person becomes a perpetrator, a certain period of treatment is required to change the behavioral pattern.'' It must be effective...and as a result of reducing the number of perpetrators, the damage itself can be reduced...''I am accepting this interview in the hope that I can send this message to society
 Preventing recidivism is never easy, but it is possible to maintain proper self-management. For that reason, it is desirable for some people to receive proper treatment and support for a certain period of time (not forever) and learn the way of self-management.Although our office is a small entity, as one of the treatment and support institutions in society, we would like to continue to support those who are suffering from behavior that they want to stop but cannot stop, and their families.
2024年05月11日 09:00


Fukuoka Psychological Educational Office HYGGE


Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
※Details will be provided upon maiking appointment.

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