活動報告(大学院特別講師)Activity Report(Graduate school special lecturer)

先日、県内某大学院のゼミにおける特別講師の機会をいただきましたことをご報告します。性犯罪加害者に対する治療の理解を深める、という目的でご依頼をいただき、当日は実際提供している治療と枠組み、そして課題と感じる事柄についてをお話させていただきました。リラプスプリベンション、RNR、Good Livesの各モデルをどのようなバランスで捉えているのかなど改めて振り返る好機ともなり、大雨警報が出る悪天候の中にもかかわらず熱心に共有いただいた学生の皆様と先生方には、このような機会をいただけたことにあらためて感謝申し上げします。
Everyone who uses our office and everyone visits the homepage
The war is not over yet. I do hope that the war will end as soon as possible.
I sincerely pray for the earliest possible recovery of the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.
I would like to report that I recently had the opportunity to be a special lecturer at a seminar at a certain graduate school in Fukuoka Prefecture. I was asked to do so with the aim of deepening the understanding of treatment for perpetrators of sexual crimes, and on the day I spoke about the treatment and framework that we actually provide, as well as what I feel are the challenges. It was also a good opportunity to reflect on the balance between Relapse Prevention, RNR, and Good Lives models, and the students and teachers enthusiastically shared their thoughts despite the severe weather with heavy rain warnings. I would like to express my gratitude once again for giving me this opportunity.
In my personal opinion, if falling into a situation that cannot be stopped on one's own, including sexual crimes, is seen as a problem for society as a whole, rather than a problem unique to the individual, it will lead to further prevention and improvement support. I feel that it is possible to reduce the number of perpetrators and, as a result, the damage itself. Although it will not be easy to achieve this goal, I will continue to strive to improve the accuracy of our support for people who are suffering from problematic behavior (illegal behavior) that they want to stop but cannot stop, such as sexual crimes, drug use, theft, violence, and fraud. For those of you who are struggling with unstoppable behavior, why don't you take the opportunity to think together instead of worrying about it alone? Looking forward to hearing from you.
The war is not over yet. I do hope that the war will end as soon as possible.
I sincerely pray for the earliest possible recovery of the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.
I would like to report that I recently had the opportunity to be a special lecturer at a seminar at a certain graduate school in Fukuoka Prefecture. I was asked to do so with the aim of deepening the understanding of treatment for perpetrators of sexual crimes, and on the day I spoke about the treatment and framework that we actually provide, as well as what I feel are the challenges. It was also a good opportunity to reflect on the balance between Relapse Prevention, RNR, and Good Lives models, and the students and teachers enthusiastically shared their thoughts despite the severe weather with heavy rain warnings. I would like to express my gratitude once again for giving me this opportunity.
In my personal opinion, if falling into a situation that cannot be stopped on one's own, including sexual crimes, is seen as a problem for society as a whole, rather than a problem unique to the individual, it will lead to further prevention and improvement support. I feel that it is possible to reduce the number of perpetrators and, as a result, the damage itself. Although it will not be easy to achieve this goal, I will continue to strive to improve the accuracy of our support for people who are suffering from problematic behavior (illegal behavior) that they want to stop but cannot stop, such as sexual crimes, drug use, theft, violence, and fraud. For those of you who are struggling with unstoppable behavior, why don't you take the opportunity to think together instead of worrying about it alone? Looking forward to hearing from you.
2024年07月18日 09:00